Are You a Senior-Preneur?

As a real estate agent and coach who started my successful solo practice at age 65, I want others in my age cohort to fully appreciate the opportunities second careers provide for meaningful work, grounded in service and care, that is very financially rewarding.

Senior-Preneurs are individuals over age 62 who want to turn hobbies, life dreams and career-honed skills into profitable businesses.

Senior-Preneurs can’t or won’t quit working, and have the itch, drive and determination to define their next chapter’s success on their own terms.

Individuals over age 62 remain in or return to the workforce for many reasons: to make extra income to supplement or increase retirement savings, for travel, to have money to make home improvements or spoil the grandkids.

For others, the goal is to offset boredom and continue to contribute to the community.

Often, the reason is more basic: we really need the income to pay the bills and/or pay down debt.  Now, even in its aftermath, COVID-19 has placed even more economic stresses on older adults.

Do You Say YES to Any of These Questions?

  • Are you over age 60 and considering a second (or third) career? 
  • Do you know you want or need to work, but just don’t know how or where to start?
  • Are you looking for training and coaching programs that address your goals, needs and concerns?
  • In your first year or two of your Senior Preneur endeavor and still struggling to get the traction and action needed to achieve client level or income you hoped for?

Success after 62 is simple, but not easy.

Most business development training programs and coaching services focus on a younger cohort of people:

who plan to be in the business for many years

who are adept with using technology to generate business and

who may not have yet established a strong work ethic.

“More mature” people can benefit from “silver adaptations” to core systems, models and strategies to use their strengths to build successful small businesses, part time endeavors and new full time adventures.

Coaching and business support services that focus on the unique needs, goals and challenges of Senior Preneurs can help you be more efficient and effective as they launch, build and grow their second – third or even fourth career.

Invest in your success!  

Working with Cathi Coridan, a certified professional coach and trainer will help you to overcome challenges and develop systems, models and strategies that create success.  Cathi spent over 40 years in the human services sector, so coaching seniors who relaunch their careers during their golden years is a natural way for her to support your success.

Start Today! Join the Senior Preneurs In Action FB Community

Building community with peers is critical to success. Our FaceBook Group is where Senior Preneurs can:

1) share your story

2) find community

3) ask for ideas, inspiration or support

4) celebrate business milestones

5) learn from each other

Coaches ask questions that help people think differently.

COACHING SERVICES: Coaching is about supporting others, identifying barriers, exploring possibilities, creating action and providing accountability as they work towards the change they see for themselves.

If you are interested in receiving one-to-one coaching with Cathi, sessions are held by phone or Zoom, depending on the client’s preference. Package pricing and senior discounts are available.

With Cathi as Your Transition Partner, you can meet your goals and achieve your dreams with less stress and more success. 

Contact Cathi Today to Schedule
Your Free Sample Session.
Call or Text: 860-759-9274